Bible School Graduation, May 1997

June 1, 1997, saw the first ever graduation for the Mongolian Assemblies Bible School. 16 students, 10 hearing and 6 deaf, who had studied for the past 3 years marched down the aisle during the church service Sunday morning. In Mongolian the graduation ceremony is called the Bell Ceremony.
bsgrad1.gif (28424 bytes) Cainaa(Currently
Pastor for the Deaf),
and Zayajargal walking
down the aisle at
the start of the Bell
Ceremony, their 3
years of hard study
is about to pay off.

Worship time during the
service/bell ceremony was filled
with the assembled people praising
God for what he had done and was
going to do with these graduates.

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Brother Houlihan gave the
charge to the graduates,
and also handed out the
award for the best
student. The award went
to Otgontsetseg who is
now studying at Asia
Pacific Theological
Seminary in preparation to
come back and help teach
in the Bible School (She
was also the children's
pastor for Hope Church).

These are 2 of the 6 Deaf students
who graduated. To the right is Ganbaatar, who in my opinion is one of the most anointed preachers here, he also is giving leadership to a project to convert the ICI text books into Mongolian Sign Language on video.  Below is Baasanjav who is now working on evangelism materials for the Deaf of Mongolia.

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